Come and be a part of the Trusted Money Confidence community!
Our Journey so far....
As of June 2024 Trusted Money Confidence has run multiple programmes that have made life changing differences to the people of Colchester. We have run 7 programmes in our first year resulting in the Colchester community being just over £137k financially better off over the following year as a result of the changes they made during the programmes.
The financial benefit was fantastic but we got to live it and what we saw the most benefit from was the wellbeing improvement that came from learning all about the services available to them in thier local community, who they had sat alongside during the programme and became comfortable enough with to reach out to at any time in the future. As well as the community of friendship and support they had found through our continued coffee mornings bringing each and every member of the Trusted Money Confidence community into the same space to create one large support network. We have watched people grow and change into stronger happier people as a result of what we do and we have loved building and being welcomed into our new community.
We are now fortunate enough to have been given the wonderful opportunity of being able to provide our service in the other areas and meet a whole new community to learn and grow with.
Trusted Money Confidence's future...
Trusted Money Confidence continues to run programmes and is looking forward to hearing from new people. Whether you're an individual seeking financial empowerment and community or a guest professional eager to contribute your expertise and meet your community, we welcome you to be a part of our transformative community.
Additionally, Trusted Money Confidence is open to exploring funding and sponsorhip opportunities that align with our mission to empower and support individuals on their financial journeys.
Contact us today to secure your place, join our team of guest professionals, or explore potential funding collaborations. Together, we can make Colchester a money confident community one conversation at a time.
Reach out to us at hello@trustedmoneyconfidence.com or call Jessica 07425 166069 or Karen 07532 253540 and let's embark on this exciting journey of growth and empowerment together!